I am employed at MAASTRO clinic since August 2017 as Medical physicist radiotherapy.
My history of employment: at the very end of the Master’s degree on Physics in Barcelona I discovered the exciting field of Medical Physics and, in particular, I became fascinated by particle therapy. I moved to Rome where I followed the 4-years formation on Medical Physics and I did the residency between Rome and Pavia. For 3 years, I worked at the CNAO Foundation in Pavia where I participated in the commissioning of all proton and carbon ion beam lines and, afterward, in the clinical activity. Then, I moved to Lyon where I did a PhD on medical imaging for proton treatment planning. The history continues in Maastricht where I will join the Medical Physics team at Maastro to help with the commissioning of the new proton facility and also to work in the photon radiotherapy service.
What I find very important is the team work and very enriching the multidisciplinary work.
I am a member of the NCS proton dosimetrie subcommittee, ESTRO member.